Infrared vs. Traditional Dry vs. Steam Saunas: Which is Best For Your Health?

Infrared vs. Traditional Dry vs. Steam Saunas: Which is Best For Your Health?

Traditional dry saunas have been a go-to for relaxation since ancient times, tracing back to the days of the Roman Empire. These steam-free retreats have found their place in luxury hotels and spas, offering a classic way to unwind.

Yet, a new player has entered the sauna scene: the infrared sauna. Unlike its traditional cousin, infrared saunas use infrared light to make you sweat and detoxify. Studies even suggest they might be better at flushing out toxins.

Infrared Saunas

Infrared saunas use special heaters to emit infrared heat waves, warming the cabin without heating the air inside. They're typically made from sturdy softwood that can handle high temperatures, ensuring safety and durability. The heat waves they emit are carefully chosen to be completely safe for your body.

So, how does it work? Well, the infrared sauna does double duty. First, the heat prompts the softwood to release phytoncides, natural compounds found in plants known for their germ-fighting abilities. Breathing in these compounds can boost your body's production of white blood cells, which help fight off infections and viruses while calming your respiratory system.

Second, the sauna's warmth encourages sweating, a key part of your body's detox process. This natural cleanse kicks out harmful substances through your pores, skipping the usual trip through your bloodstream or digestive system.

But that's not all – infrared saunas also offer some practical perks. They're super easy to use, just plug them in and turn them on. Plus, they're gentler on your body, with lower heat levels that many find more comfortable, especially if you're not a fan of the intense heat of traditional saunas. This makes them a great choice for a wider range of people looking to chill out and boost their well-being.

The Benefits of an Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas offer a range of advantages for users, with some overlapping benefits found in traditional dry saunas but many distinct to the infrared variety. Here's a rundown of the perks you can expect when opting for an infrared sauna experience:

1. Non-Physical Workout

Engaging in a workout triggers various essential bodily changes crucial for overall health. Similarly, a session in an infrared sauna activates numerous processes such as heightened heart rate, enhanced lymph drainage, vasodilation, and improved lung capacity. Much like exercise, sauna use contributes to heart disease prevention. However, it's essential to note that while sauna sessions offer benefits, they cannot replace all aspects of a workout routine. Strength building, for instance, cannot be achieved solely through sauna use. For optimal results, integrate sauna sessions alongside a well-rounded exercise regimen.

2. Improved Metabolism

Sitting in a sauna causes the body to reach higher temperatures, which causes the heart to beat faster, and the metabolism to speed up. The advantages of a faster metabolism include quicker release of toxins and an increased calorie burn. This means that not only will using the sauna help you to detoxify your body, which can help you lose weight when combined with an improved lifestyle, but it will also help you to burn more fat while you relax.

3. Fast, Simple, and Budget-Friendly Beauty Solutions

Throughout history, sweat baths have served as a means to enhance skin beauty and cleanse the body. Following a sauna session, the skin emerges refreshed, with restored natural moisture levels. Sweating facilitates the delivery of nutrients to the skin's surface and boosts oxygen levels in the dermis, revitalizing cells by shedding old ones and encouraging the growth of new ones, resulting in a radiant and revitalized appearance. Additionally, increased collagen production enhances skin elasticity, fortifying it, enhancing complexion, and reversing signs of aging.

4. Next Generation Heating Method

In a traditional dry sauna, the air inside is heated, leading to external warming of the body, gradually spreading warmth towards internal organs. However, these saunas often reach high temperatures and may be uncomfortable for some individuals. Conversely, infrared saunas utilize gentle heat from carbon heaters, penetrating deeply into the body and warming from the inside out. Operating at lower temperatures compared to traditional saunas, they offer greater comfort for most users. Despite the milder environment, the infrared heat reaches internal organs, promoting a more profound sweat response. This facilitates extended therapeutic benefits across the entire body.

5. Better Blood Circulation

Relaxing in a sauna induces vasodilation, expanding blood vessels and enhancing blood circulation across the body. This process contributes to heart health and boosts arterial elasticity. Although sauna use initially elevates blood pressure, regular sessions can actually lower overall blood pressure levels. Improved circulation also ensures optimal oxygen delivery to muscles, enhancing exercise performance and aiding in quicker recovery from muscle stiffness.

6. Boosted Detox Process

In our modern world, exposure to toxins is unavoidable, even for individuals with exceptionally healthy lifestyles like organic farmers who abstain from chemical pesticides and consume homegrown produce. Urban dwellers face heightened exposure due to traffic fumes, pollution, and other environmental factors. Furthermore, personal habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and consumption of processed foods add to the body's toxic burden.

Given these realities, it's essential to actively support the removal of toxins from the body. Spending time in an infrared sauna is a beneficial method for detoxification. However, it's crucial to note that sauna use alone cannot counteract the effects of unhealthy habits. To maximize the benefits, complement sauna sessions with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.

7. Athletic Recovery Boost

Enhanced circulation in the body during sauna sessions accelerates the delivery of vital nutrients and oxygen to muscles, promoting faster muscle repair and growth by reducing inflammation. Additionally, the improved circulation aids in clearing metabolic waste, such as lactic acid, from muscles, facilitating its elimination from the body. It's no surprise that both professional athletes and amateurs alike are enthusiastic about the benefits of infrared saunas for sports recovery.

8. Enhanced Functionality of the Central Nervous System

Infrared saunas offer a fascinating advantage by stimulating the growth of new brain cells through a process known as neurogenesis, facilitated by increased blood flow and oxygenation throughout the body, including the brain.

Moreover, the infrared rays promote the production of dopamine, our body's natural antidepressant, while enhancing its utilization. Simultaneously, cortisol levels, the stress hormone in the brain, decrease, leading to elevated mood and overall sense of well-being. This makes infrared saunas a valuable therapy for individuals with central nervous system disorders, particularly those related to mood such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Regular sessions in an infrared sauna can help individuals with these conditions build resilience to stress and better manage negative emotions, contributing to improved mental health and overall quality of life.

Traditional Dry Saunas

Traditional dry saunas, with roots dating back to ancient times, are heated by physical sources like wood-burning stoves or heated stones. These saunas typically maintain low air humidity levels, averaging around 20 to 30%, while temperatures range from approximately 150 to 195°F, offering a higher heat intensity compared to infrared saunas, which typically operate between 120 and 150°F. However, individuals sensitive to heat or those with certain health conditions may find traditional saunas less suitable.

The term "dry sauna" distinguishes this type from steam rooms, which utilize moisture. In a traditional dry sauna, the heating element warms the air without producing steam. Nonetheless, many traditional saunas can easily transition into steam rooms by adding water to the heat source, increasing humidity levels and accelerating detoxification and healing processes.

It's common to find a bucket of water in traditional dry saunas for this purpose. It's essential to note that higher humidity levels can impede sweat evaporation, leading to a warmer sensation, so individuals sensitive to heat should regulate humidity levels accordingly.


The Benefits of a Traditional Dry Sauna

Traditional dry saunas offer numerous health benefits, many of which overlap with those of infrared saunas. While it appears that they don't provide any unique advantages compared to infrared saunas, their existing benefits remain remarkable. If you lack access to an infrared sauna or simply prefer the intense heat of a dry sauna, there's no reason to forgo its use. Here are some of the benefits associated with traditional dry saunas:

1. Alleviating Discomfort and Pain

The warmth generated by saunas triggers the dilation of peripheral blood vessels, promoting relaxation and an uplifted mood while offering relief from various types of pain. Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory disorders such as bursitis can particularly benefit from sauna therapy. Heat therapy is widely recognized for its effectiveness in managing pain, making a session in a warm sauna an excellent approach for alleviating aches and pains throughout the body. Additionally, sauna use aids in detoxification, reduces inflammation, and may even help combat viruses, enhancing overall well-being.

2. Calm & Positive State

Spending time in a dry sauna should be a relaxing and calming experience. Many people have found that they have better control over their emotions after using a sauna regularly, due to the release of dopamine, and the restriction of cortisol production. Visit your sauna regularly to improve your mood, deal with your anxiety, depression, or insomnia, and improve your overall well being. 

3. Enhanced Fat Metabolism

In a dry sauna, the elevated temperature prompts your heart rate to increase and enhances blood circulation. Unlike infrared saunas, dry saunas operate at even higher temperatures, leading to a quicker rise in respiratory rate. This sensation mimics the effects of physical exercise on the body. Consequently, your body expends more calories than it would during rest, aiding in the reduction of excess fat deposits, both internally around organs and externally beneath the skin.

4. Purging of Pathogens

Saunas elevate body temperature, prompting the production of white blood cells, akin to the response during a fever. These cells act as the bloodstream's healers, combating infections and foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria. Enhanced white blood cell count signifies a fortified immune system, bolstering the body's ability to fend off illnesses.

Additionally, certain viruses possess protective lipid layers; however, exposure to the sauna's heat can destabilize these layers, rendering the viruses inactive. This process effectively neutralizes viruses before they can initiate infection.

5. Purification & Detoxification Process:

Dry saunas, with their elevated temperatures, prompt the opening of pores, aiding in detoxification. Moreover, the ability to adjust humidity levels in a dry sauna allows users to amplify body heating, thereby enhancing detoxification and other natural bodily processes.

Steam Saunas

Steam saunas, also known as traditional saunas or Finnish saunas, generate heat by pouring water over heated rocks to produce steam. These saunas are typically constructed from sturdy materials such as wood or tile to withstand high temperatures and moisture levels. The steam generated fills the sauna cabin, raising the temperature and creating a humid environment.

So, how does it work? The steam sauna operates by inducing perspiration through exposure to high temperatures and humidity. As the body absorbs heat from the steam, blood vessels dilate, improving circulation and delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body. This increased blood flow can help relax muscles, alleviate tension, and promote overall relaxation.

Moreover, the steam sauna experience offers various health benefits. The heat and humidity open up pores, facilitating the removal of toxins and impurities from the skin through sweating. This detoxification process can leave the skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Additionally, inhaling steam can help clear nasal passages and sinuses, offering relief from congestion and promoting easier breathing.

Steam saunas also provide a tranquil and meditative environment conducive to stress relief and mental relaxation. The soothing warmth envelops the body, promoting a sense of well-being and tranquility. Many individuals find steam saunas to be an effective way to unwind, de-stress, and recharge both body and mind.

The Benefits of a Steam Sauna

1. Hydration

Steam saunas create a humid environment that helps moisturize the skin. The steam opens up pores and increases moisture levels, promoting hydration and leaving the skin feeling soft and supple.

2. Sinus Relief

The inhalation of steam in a steam sauna can provide targeted relief for sinus congestion and related discomfort. The moist heat helps to loosen mucus and soothe irritation in the nasal passages, offering relief from sinus pressure and sinus headaches.

3. Deep Cleansing

The combination of heat and steam in a steam sauna can facilitate a deeper cleanse of the skin compared to other sauna types. The steam softens and loosens debris, allowing for more effective removal of dirt, oil, and dead skin cells, resulting in a thorough cleansing experience.

4. Mental Clarity and Relaxation

The moist heat of a steam sauna can promote mental clarity and relaxation by creating a calming environment. The gentle warmth and soothing steam can help alleviate stress and tension, leading to a sense of mental relaxation and well-being.

5. Respiratory Health Support

Steam saunas can offer specific benefits for respiratory health beyond those provided by other sauna types. Inhaling steam can help moisturize and soothe the respiratory tract, providing relief for conditions such as dry cough, asthma, and bronchitis. The moist heat can also help to break up mucus, making it easier to expel from the lungs.

Hybrid Saunas: Bridging the Gap

Discovering the benefits of both sauna types might leave you undecided about which one suits your needs best. You might adore the traditional dry sauna's heat and steam while also craving some of the additional health perks offered by infrared saunas. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone, and there's a perfect solution: our top-notch hybrid saunas.

Advantages of Infrared Saunas Compared to Dry Saunas:

1. Efficiency

Infrared saunas boast rapid setup, needing only to be plugged into a standard 110v outlet. They typically heat up in just about 5 minutes, ensuring swift and hassle-free operation.

2. Mobility

Offering unparalleled flexibility, infrared saunas can be installed virtually anywhere with an electrical outlet, provided there's adequate space and adherence to safety guidelines. Whether in your living room, home office, workplace, or vacation home, you can enjoy the benefits of an infrared sauna conveniently.

3. Availability

Infrared saunas are readily accessible across various locations. If you prefer not to invest in one for your home, you can easily find them at beauty centers, gyms, spas, and other establishments, all setup and ready for use.

4. Frequency

Unlike traditional saunas, infrared saunas operate at lower temperatures, enabling more frequent sessions. While some sources suggest daily use is safe, we recommend every other day for optimal health benefits, allowing you to reap the advantages of infrared sauna therapy consistently.



In summary, both traditional and infrared saunas offer numerous health and wellness advantages. Even if an infrared sauna isn't readily available, utilizing a traditional sauna still yields significant benefits compared to forgoing sauna therapy altogether. However, extensive evidence suggests that infrared saunas hold superiority in terms of health benefits, enhancing the outcomes you can achieve through regular use.

Ready to experience the ultimate in relaxation with our wide selection of sauna offerings? Feel free to explore our wide range of infrared, traditional dry, and steam saunas. Our expert team is here to help you find the perfect sauna that meets your wellness needs and safety standards.

Don't wait to elevate your wellness routine. Shop now or simply reach out to learn more about our unique offerings today.